Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Tragic Day

Today Grayson received a new friend. My sis in law and her family have lost their son and it is absolutely heart breaking that they had to go through this pain and heartache. I am soo grateful for the fact that I have been through this experience so that I was able to try and provide support but nonetheless I struggled and still struggle to know how to be supportive without going to far and letting them bond together as well. I just really don't know what to do other than offer a million times to do anything they need me to do but I know from experience that words are meaningless in this kind of situation. It's harsh but true. However it's hard to know what action to take without going to far and overstepping bounds. I really hope that through it all they just know beyond a doubt that I truly love them and my heart is with their family tonight and that they can forgive me for the silly words of attempted comfort. It is just soo unfair that they have to go through this experience and I hate it. I hate knowing that they had to lose their son. It's so unfair. So very unfair.